Radstorm is an all-ages art and music community space that is the home to the Anchor Archive Zine Library, Ink Storm Screenprinting Studio, and Sad Rad Music Collective.
RadStorm is a non-profit community arts center located in Kjipuktuk/Halifax, which promotes creative and progressive cultural activities for all age groups through a DIY approach. It is important to note that our space is a dry-space, meaning no drinks are allowed inside the space. Our center provides avenues for music rehearsal, recording studio, music shows, screenprinting, a zine library, LGBTQ2S+ events, art exhibitions, educational workshops, and social and political discussions. We offer a platform for local artists, activists, and community members to collaborate on projects.

2177 Gottingen Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Check the latest updates below for any cancellations.
- Public Open Hours: Sundays, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
- Wearing masks is encouraged at the space and provided to you at the door.
- Mailing address: PO Box 40047, Robie St. PO., Halifax, NS. B3K 0E4
Get involved with us ➣ radstormhalifax[at]gmail.com
- SadRad (jam space, recording studio and show/event booking): sadrad[at]googlegroups.com
- Inkstorm Screenprinting Collective: inkstormscreen[at]gmail.com
- Anchor Archive Zine Library: anchorarchive[at]gmail.com
- Food Against Fascism &The People’s Fridge: foodagainstfascismns[@]gmail.com
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