Want to book the space? (Read below)
Anyone can play a show here. Radstorm has a broad and varied history of artists, genres, and performances; we continue to support diversity in our events and try to reach out to those we feel we have missed.
We are open to performances not centred around typical ‘concert’ structures. We are always interested in hosting screenings, dance parties, auctions, art shows, bingo, comedy, experimental sound or visual performances, theatre, discussions, meetings, workshops, and more. We are always open to discussing the limits of these themes and their multifaceted, malleable contexts.
Radstorm books out the space to outside groups, individuals, and organizations. Typically, we do not rent out our space to for-profit organizations, and we reserve the right to deny groups who do not adhere to the code-of-conduct, mandate, or rules outlined in our membership agreement.
NOTE: No Jams any weekday between 12:15-2:30 pm. This is when Tiny Lab, the daycare that neighbours our backyard, has their nap time.
For booking a show or the rehearsal/jam space:
SadRad : sadrad[at]googlegroups.com
For inquiries regarding other types of bookings:
Upcoming Events
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